Grant agreement number: 101160325
Contact person: Reelika Rätsep, e-mail:, telephone: +372 53432842
Funding: European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme
Duration: 01.05.2024−30.04.2026
Budget: 256 600 EUR
Project homepage:
Project abctract:
CROSSPATHS is an initiative of recognised scientific entities from three Widening countries Estonia (EST), Poland (PL), and Portugal (PT). Each has benefited from investments into modern agri-food research infrastructures from ERDF funds to boost their innovation capacity and establish commercialisation pathways. Each, however, acts in isolation, suffering from low international recognition, weak links to excellent European networks, poor participation in competitive grant consortia, and lacking know-how and skills on how best to valorise investments in research infrastructures and other existing assets. An insightful mapping of our competences revealed unique expertise of each Partner such as food processing with valorisation of side streams (EST), green extraction techniques with identification of plant-based bioactive compounds (PT), and in vivo validation of their health-promoting effects (PL). We form a Group capable to deliver complex solutions in a food technology, health effects and bioeconomy.
The overall objective of the project is to implement cross-border pathways to put in place sequential synergies between ERDF-funded investments and Horizon Europe opportunities. This will be achieved via strategies of internationalization and HR development that improve competitiveness, knowledge transfer and strengthened innovation capacity to apply for international funding jointly. To achieve this, we will be benefiting from Wageningen Research and Innotrope experience, networks and advice. Implementation of the CROSSPATHS will make of our consortium an attractive partner for Horizon Europe projects and beyond with well trained staff and established high reputation within ERA and internationally.
Participating organisations:
- Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (coordinator, Poland);
- Catholic University of Portugal (Portugal);
- Stichting Wageningen Research (Neatherlands)
- Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia)
- Innotrope SAS (France)