Short name of the project:
Baltic Cider
The Cooperation Programme “Interreg V-A – Estonia-Latvia” 2021-2027 financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); policy objective No. 2 “Jointly and smartly growing businesses”, specific objective III “enhancing sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including by productive investments”.
Aim of the project:
The project aim is to develop a knowledge-based Baltic Cider brand as a joint solution to enhance the
competitiveness of cider makers in Latvia and Estonia. The targeted cider makers with their
production facilities are located in Vidzeme and Kurzeme regions in Latvia, and in West Estonia and
South Estonia regions in Estonia. There is unused potential in the Baltic Cider to enhance sustainable
growth of SMEs in the region.
Project activities:
This main objective will be achieved by focusing on 3 main directions:
- WP1 Solution development
Combining the expertise of project partners and cider makers on cider production resources and processes, a “terroir map” will be developed. This concept, well-known in the wine world, can be effectively applied to cider production as well. Terroir refers to information about soil and climatic conditions. This map will be a valuable tool for both consumers and producers, aiding in informed decision-making about apple cultivation and cider production. Additionally, a detailed chemical analysis of apple varieties will be conducted to compare their impact on cider flavor. Apples and apple juices from various regions of Latvia and Estonia will be analyzed. The results will help cider producers select the optimal varieties and combinations for high-quality cider production.
- WP2 Piloting
10 cider producers (7 from Latvia and 3 from Estonia) will be involved in the pilot phase. They will produce experimental batches of cider to test how biochemical analysis and terroir factors affect cider characteristics and how this information can be best used to promote the Baltic cider brand. In addition to this, cider producers will have the opportunity to participate in experience exchanges and training sessions. These training programs will be based on the results of WP1 and will focus on how to integrate research findings into effective marketing strategies. The topics will also cover fruit horticulture, particularly focusing on cider apple varieties, cultivation methods, and selection of apple tree seedlings. At the end of the project, entrepreneurs will also be involved in the creation and marketing of the Baltic cider brand.
To promote the international recognition of Baltic cider, an international conference is planned, creating a forum for experience exchange, discussion of trends, and the development of new collaboration initiatives.
- WP3 Baltic Cider brand promotion for competitiveness.
To enhance the recognition of Baltic cider, efforts will be directed towards brand development and joint marketing activities, combining cider production and tourism. These activities will include market research, participation in trade exhibitions, and public education on cider quality as an authentic product. An Estonia-Latvia Cider Route will be established, allowing visitors to explore cider culture, the Baltic terroir, apple orchards, and various ciders. In the future, the brand could also include producers from Lithuania, further expanding the recognition of Baltic cider across the entire region.
Project result:
As a result of the project, a Baltic cider brand will be established, enhancing the competitiveness of cider makers and strengthening the position of Baltic cider in the global market.
Project partners:
- Latvian Country Tourism Association “Lauku ceļotājs” (Latvia) – lead partner
- NGO Estonian Rural Tourism (Estonia)
- Dobele Institute of Horticulture (Latvia)
- Estonian University of Life Sciences (Estonia)
Project duration: 01.07.2024. – 30.06.2027.
Project budget: 623 930 EUR, incl. ERDF Interreg Estonia-Latvia programme’s co-financing 499 144 EUR. Polli Horticultural Research Centre of Estonian University of Life Sciences participates in this project with planned budget 154 504 EUR (ERDF funding 123 603,20 EUR, partner contribution 30 900,80 EUR).
Project contact person: Reelika Rätsep, e-mail: reelika.ratsep@emu.ee, phone: +372 53432842